
Links to national/regional organisations:-

Links to neighbouring clubs:-

Links to local retailers:-

Links to magazines and news sites:-

Links to other UK sites:-

Links to worldwide sites:-

  • World of ‘O’
  • OCAD Premier map drawing program
  • Catching Features A computer game of orienteering. You can even have online competitions with other orienteers.
  • Attackpoint USA based web page which is themed on Performance training for Orienteering
  • Waterstop USA based online community for juniors. Includes links to other resources including videos
  • Routegadget A page where you can look at some events and see the routes people took at the events
  • Fortnet Online quiz which will help you learn IOF pictorial descriptions
  • METU Orienteering Another quiz, not as easy to use but does include map symbols.
  • IOF maps IOF Map Commission site with links to help and online map libraries